Helpers needed!
Saturday/Sunday helpers needed!! ?
Job involves tacking up horses, leading lessons, untacking, mucking out and general yard duties.
Must be 14 years or above, keen, hard working and reliable!!
Will train on the job but some horsey experience would be handy.
Please contact us if you're interested.
Lessons will be offered to helpers in return for the work, not a paid position.

Job opportunities available..
Deanswood equestrian centre are looking for the following:
1. Work placement staff
Open to... College students looking to do work placements while studying.
Role involves mucking out, turning out and bringing in, grooming, tacking up and other general yard duties.
Must be confident with dealing with horses and customers. Be well turned out, keen and reliable. Experience not essential but must be keen and quick to learn.
2. Teaching Coach
We have a vacancy for a Riding Instructor to cover Friday evenings amd ad hoc cover during the week including evenings and weekends.
Coaching will include lessons, both one to one and groups and may also consist of Pony Club, Adult Riding Club or Birthday Parties.
3. Apprentice position - CLOSED - Position filled
We are also looking to take on an apprentice groom
Role involves mucking out, turning out and bringing in, grooming, tacking up and other general yard duties. Also looking for someone to teach lessons and hold coffee mornings and run pony days.
Must be confident with dealing with horses and customers. Be well turned out, keen and reliable. A positive and enthusiastic approach is vital. Driver with a car is a bonus.
4. Experienced groom - CLOSED - Position filled
Deanswood equestrian centre are looking for an experienced groom who can help with the day to day running of the yard. This involves mucking out, all aspects of horse care, teaching lessons, running pony days and coffee mornings, booking in clients and office duties.
Must be experienced with dealing with horses and customers. Looking for someone qualified to teach or be working towards a qualification. Experienced rider is also a plus. You must be well turned out, keen and reliable. Driver with a car is a bonus.
Hours and pay depending on role and experience.
If you are interested in any of the roles above please contact us.